God’s Design

Exodus 36:1-38

The Construction of the Tabernacle

The people sinned with the golden calf, Moses intercedes God seems to pardon the people and renew the covenant by rewriting the commandments on new tablets that Moses cut for himself. Almost immediately the construction seems to begin on the tabernacle. It makes one wonder if God in his ultimate wisdom and knowledge gave the people something to work on and build, so they wouldn’t be tempted to build another calf. How often we get into trouble when bored.

These 38 verses outline the particulars of the tabernacle. There is an endless list of curtains, loops, designs, colors, frames, materials and measurements. God gave these almost exact instructions in chapter 26 to Moses on how to build and now they are building and reiterating. We have to also assume the carefulness and caution the people were taking to please and obey God after the golden calf incident.  However, in terms of spirituality and revelation as I read the portion it seems practical, dull tedious and simply not very divine. The question that arises in my mind is why? What is the purpose of these dull instructions about a tent that was built thousands of years ago? Why repeat the exact work that was already instructed? Why is this important today? And as our pastor says on occasion, why are these details taking up space in our bible?

We believe as Christians and Jews nothing is wasted in God’s word and every word of God is divinely inspired and meaningful for every generation. So why are these details important? Why not simply state, as in Genesis after God instructed Noah to build the ark, and “Noah did exactly as God commanded him.” End of story. It is assumed that the tabernacle was of more significance yet how much more significant than saving the race of humanity?

There are a few possibilities that make this text reasonable. First, this description could be a blueprint a pattern (as shown Moses on the Mountain) not just for this tabernacle, but for proceeding tabernacles and temples for Yahweh. Throughout the scripture there are other places where we see God’s house being built and used. Solomon built a house for God from his father’s plans. Ezekiel talks in details about a temple to come. Herod builds a temple in Jerusalem which is destroyed in 70 AD, but then we see anther temple type emerge in the revelation of John. So, one possible reason for such reputation and description and detail is this is a record for all future temples and tabernacles that might emerge among God’s people for God’s presence, it certainly hints at the desire for God to dwell in the midst of his people.

A second possibility is that Moses gave this task of recording the construction to one of the craftsmen. Artists are detailed oriented, but also if the craftsmen wrote this portion of scripture, did he do so as a response to God? Was it a checklist of account?

A third thought; in these instructions for the tabernacle, God makes clear the building and construction of the tabernacle was not the same but actually distinct from permanent temples. This tent of meeting and tabernacle had frames of acacia wood and poles and curtains of skin and goats’ hair. It was a temporary structure that could be broken down and put back up it could be carried and filled over and over again it could need repair and it was central to all the camps of all the tribes. In a way this tabernacle was to be a foreshadow of the body of Messiah, US! The people are the body of messiah. The tabernacle had bones, and skin and chambers and blood and water. It was distinctly different than the stones that went into the construction of Solomon and Herod’s temple. This tabernacle would be literally occupied by the presence of God indicating that we too as the body of Messiah were to be and should be indwelt with the presence of God and the Holy Spirit, with His word in the inner most chambers of our being, the heart. This is the new covenant, God’s word written on human hearts, his presence filling us, his righteousness clothing us his blood cleansing us. I think this may be why in the revelation given to John, Jerusalem is depicted as a bride coming down out of heaven and God dwelling within her. That dwelling is the goal and purpose of God from the very beginning in the garden. The tabernacle is God’s design, while others temples of stone were man’s way of keeping God in buildings. They used the basic parts and pieces but it was different than God’s design.

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