Noah the Prophet

1 peter 3:17-22

There are a lot of questions in this portion. It feels like a hodgepodge of scripture. What did Christ proclaim to the spirits in prison and who were these spirits and what prison does he speak of- hell? And why do these spirits get a second chance? Does Everyone? Some of these questions have answers, and some do not. But perhaps the point, It seems from this passage that faith is far more important to God than obedience, since those who disobey are shown mercy in that Christ went to them. As often as Israel disobeyed there was always mercy for them, again and again throughout the scripture. However, those who display faithlessness, such as when Moses struck the rock or Israel didn’t believe God – they were shut out of the land.

verse 18: Christ suffered that he might bring us to God. Noah and his family were “baptized” being brought safely through the water. They did not live forever on earth, but God preserved them from the judgment because Noah believed and his family and house were saved by grace. They were given a new life after a real encounter with death. This is the truth behind water baptism today. So too those who are baptized are brought safely through this world not suffering the same fate as the rest of humanity who does not receive baptism and believe.

Peter also mentions Noah and the deluge in the second book of peter referring to it in accord with the end of the world. Which makes me question why? He does say in the second letter, that he writes to stir up the memory about the predictions that were given through the prophets and the commandments of Christ. Perhaps Peter considered Noah a prophet whose very life and the events that surrounded his life a witness to the end and the day of the Lord and the judgment of the Lord, therefore, he continues to refer back to Noah-as did Christ and Paul. Perhaps Noah has more to say to us than we know about Judgment Day to come.

Baptism is imbued with power because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, not our own. Its an act of faith on our part, which seems to trigger God’s favor and salvation. Just as the Israelite’s put blood on the doorposts was an act of faith, even though it was the angel of the Lord who spared them when he saw the blood he knew their faith, and passed over their houses, death did not enter, judgement did not land. They were saved because of the faith they displayed for the Lord and his word.

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