The Eyes of the Lord

two men playing volleyball near red canopy

God reminded me this week that He is watching

My daughter is 16. She is on the varsity volleyball team at the local High School. Her number is 2. She is a starter as a Junior and I’m extremely proud of her. Since middle school she has loved the game of Volleyball. she is highly motivated, I never have to remind her to get ready, wash her uniform or drag her away from the TV to play. She never misses a game, an event and gets upset when she isn’t 30 minutes early for every practice dragging me out the door. She is well prepared, works hard on the court and off to ensure she plays and plays well. She is the athlete I wish I could be. I go to all her home games, we have traveled far and wide to attend club games and tournaments. Because for my daughter Volleyball is air, it’s a strength, its part of what makes her tick.

Last weeks game was a big one. She had the star role as Libero. I got to the game early to watch the warm-ups and see the starting line up called. There was a lot of excitement during warm-ups as the girls buzzed around the court. I realized I wasn’t watching the girls warm up, I was watching my girl warm up. My eyes were fixated on her every bump hit and serve. My heart leaping to see her return a serve or get the ball over the net. She is the one I was there to see, to watch and to cheer on. I love the game of volleyball I do watch the game, but I am there to watch her more than anything else. I never miss a play she makes, a ball she saves, a pass she misses.

It may be typical for good parents to be present to see their own kids play ball. usually the fields and courts are lined with family clapping and snapping pictures. They are there To watch their children , their teenagers and their college students compete in the games. Score big or lose by a few they want to see their people out their. Its a moment of pride. when we are there, we never miss a homerun, a swing of the bat, a touchdown, or a foul that our kid makes. We are there to cheer them on from the sidelines of life win or lose, hit or miss and then to bring them home afterward. We aren’t there to see a game we are there to see a person that we love challenge themselves and expend themselves for the love of the game. That should tell us a lot about God. We are His children, win or lose He is there to watch us. It’s true God doesn’t run onto the field or court with every strike out or bad call, but neither do we. It doesn’t mean He isn’t there watching every move we make. He doesn’t take his eyes off us for a moment, because we are the reason he is present.

We are there to cheer our kids on from the sidelines of life win or lose.


2 CHRON. 16:9

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