Face to Face

There’s a story in the bible about Jacob wrestling with God. Jacob was fleeing his father n law’s deception and preparing to meet his brother, Esau, whose murderous vengence he fled as well. Jacob was alone and he was afraid. Esau was approaching with 400 men of war.  It got darck and silent. In the darkness, the bible says, a man appeared, not until later did Jacob realize who that man was. That’s true for him and its true for us. Its when we content with God that we see God.They  wrestled all night,  as the morning approached the man urged Jacob to let him go, but Jacob refused holding out for a blessing. At last the man gave Jacob a new name , “Israel for you have striven with God and with man and have prevailed.” Jacob named that place Penah , for i have seen God face to face and have lived. Most bible scholars and Christians are familliar with this story. I suggest to you this new thought, you have  striven with man and prevailed, was a prophetic blessing, a promise for Jacob certain deliverance.   Jacob was  left with a slight injury, a scar causing him to limp, when the Lord touched his hip.  We all want a touch from God, what will the outcome of that touch be? more likely God’s touch creates in us a reliance on him. I share this story  as a reminder  man’s encounters with God can be difficult. Life circumstance and journeys of faith are filled with sorrow, struggles, suffering, injuries, dark nights of the soul, fear and strife. God often meets us in the dark when we are alone and full of fear. He meets us in the moments when we need courage for the next chapter of life. Sometimes he touches us. 

this is the reason I draw faces. I draw faces of men and woman who I believe have wrestled with God and men and have prevailed. It is in these moments of wrestling that humanity sees  God and knows God and receives from God.  rarely are we given  armor in the rose gardens and slumber parties. We are given armor because we are called to fight. i sit in my studio surrounded by dozens of these beautiful  peoples, they are like my own personal great cloud of witnesses cheering me on , people I admire,   faces reminding me that the man who wrestles is the man who prevails and the man who wrestles is the man who is changed into the one who prevails. Who are the people who have inspired you to prevail in Life not through comfort but trials? 

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